Tragedy is silence.
There are times when my emotions still feel like a hijacking. Today, seeing pictures and videos that Tina posted of the girls (my nieces) at the beach brought up grief that felt insurmountable for a time in the car. Then I remembered, that's what emotions do. They swell and recede, just like the ocean. Just like that salty expanse, I sometimes lose my bearings while I'm thrashed around beneath the surface, and a moment feels like forever while I'm waiting to get my next breath. When I am inside it, it feels exactly like being controlled by something much bigger, stronger, and more powerful than I'll ever be. My instincts are both to fight it and to succumb. I watch my attempts to right my position, kicking for the surface at times and also giving in and allowing the wave to just take me where it will. Both are necessary for survival. There are moments when her absence is so profound, I can't breathe. I do think being physically removed from my family has allowed me...